2023 Huskey Exhibition

In memoriam Dr. Robert J. Huskey, 1938 - 2023

March 17th, 12-4:30 Pm

Location: Harrison Institute and Small Special Collections Library, Room 318

See a detailed schedule below for times, exhibitors, and their research.

Exhibition Organizers

Shalmi Barman, 2022-2023 Co-Chair of Graduate Student Council Research Committee

A Focus on Graduate Students

Dr. Robert J. Huskey, Professor of Biology, served the University of Virginia for 32 years. As Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Dr. Huskey improved the graduate student experience by developing assistantships and providing affordable health care. To honor Dr. Huskey's commitment to graduate students, in 2001 the Graduate Student Council introduced the Huskey Graduate Research Exhibition.


12:00 Dr. Laura Galloway: Introductory remarks about Dr. Robert J. Huskey

12:10 Notch signaling positively regulates mushroom body neuroblast neurogenesis in D. melanogaster (Kendall Branham)

12:22 Extractive Property Rights Institutions in Appalachia (Jessica Montgomery)

12:34 When smiles look the same. Autistic and non-autistic adults have similar expectations for emotional expressions (Andrew J. Lampi)

12:46 Dark Ecology in Latin Literature (Erica Krause)

12:58 George Luks’s Black Masquerade: Race, Caricature, and Performance at the Turn of the Twentieth Century (Meaghan Walsh)

1:10 Q&A for Session 1

1:25 Break

1:45 Fur Babies and Fertility (Mo Van de Sompel)

1:57 Storms, Sea-ice, and Penguins: A Changing Antarctic Ecosystem (Mary Stack)

2:09 Toxic Tau Damages the Axon Initial Segment Barrier in Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Cells (Merci Best)

2:21 “It is OK to talk my partner into having sex”: Links between adolescent sexually coercive attitudes, attachment insecurity, and adult relationship functioning (Corey Pettit)

2:33 Religious Hybridization in Globalized Countries (Nava Caluori)

2:45 Q&A for Session 2

3:00 Break

3:15 Autistic university students: Learning about resources in “a system that wasn’t really optimized for me” (Kayden Stockwell)

3:27 Probing Cosmic Inflation: Testing Novel High-Sensitivity Detectors for Next-Generation Surveys (Jordan Shroyer)

3:39 Perspective: Highlighting Disability Viewpoints through Artistry and Accessibility (Molly Joyce)

3:51 Affirmative Action in Local Elite Colleges: Impact on Subject Choice (Ritika Gupta)

4:03 Memory brain states change as we age (Isabelle Moore)

4:15 Q&A for Session 3 / Closing Remarks

Past Exhibitions

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012